Mary Coleman & Jon Morse. Bio coming soon.


Devotion Tattoo

  • No, price of entry just gets you in to experience the convention. If you are wanting to get tattooed, the artist you inquire with will discuss pricing.

  • Yes! It will get you in during the day duration of operating hours. It will only provide entry for the day you purchased. If you want entry access all 3 days, you need to purchase a weekend pass.

  • Absolutely not. You can browse and appreciate all the art, or get your first one! There are all sorts of vendors as well, this isn’t JUST tattoos!

  • We operate as an invite only convention. If you’re interested don’t hesitate to reach out to us, we have a list we add you to. When we go through the invite process, we use that list.

  • Thank you for being a part of the party! This does not guarantee you a spot every year however. While we wish we could have everyone, every year…we are a convention that is held in an arena with limited space. We try and showcase multiple artists talents each year.

  • Tattoo of The Day, and Best in Show need to be tattoos that were started and finished during the convention. Other contest categories can be previously completed tattoos.